1. What skills have you developed through this brief and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
I am slowly realising that sometimes simple looking work can be as interesting as work with all the bells and whistles on it, and it doesn't mean its taken any less effort or thought to produce,although sometimes that IS the case.I'm still getting my head around the concept.Being influenced by other artists I've learnt is not something i should be worried about, and feeling like I'm replicating old ideas. In other areas, using the animation tools in Photoshop was new to me in making my GIFS, and is something i'd like to go back and experiment with further.
2. What approaches to/methods of image making have you developed and how have they informed your concept development process?
The continued use of roughs and scamps has really aided my drawing skills in general. I'm able to freely draw objects,people, animals etc that before i would've needed lots of reference photos for.Even as i'm drawing them I'm thinning to myself "hang on, i couldn't do this 5 months ago" I sort of like auto pilot and is coming more natural.I feel my compositional consideration has also improved & i'm sketching my layouts a lot more extensively before attempting to produce any final pieces so everything sits nicely on whatever canvas I'm working on. Some of the development sketchbook work for my GIFs, which involved crudely splurging paint around and drawing faces on them is something that I've not really thought to do before now.I don't know if it helped develop my characters but i was a good of getting some spontaneous creations happening.
3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
I'm a good researcher and image sourcer. Sometimes a bit too much and it gets in the way of me actually getting on with the practical work. I just feels its important to get some good solid facts and info and general knowledge about the subject i'm working on. I think my sketchbooks display my thinking process and stages of development pretty well too.My attention to detail could be seen as a strength, but is painful at times.Also my digital work remains solid, however I'm finding it beginning to frustrate me with time I'm taking whilst producing it and leading me concentrate more on more analogue driven ways to tackle a brief.
4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?
Decision making is still horribly slow,and I'm constantly asking myself wether I'm supposed ti be making work that i like and I'm happy with or for other people/clients in mind.My time time management over the easter break - i lost a lot of momentum and subsequently stitched myself up for the rest of the module so staying focused is something i need to work on. The speed of my output has caused me to have to hand in incomplete work recently which is forcing me to try and distance myself from the digital side of illustration for a while so i can be a bit more hands on.Could do with fattening my sketchbooks up a bit more aswell.
5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
Turn off the mac (within reason) - this can only help my analogue practice and i might even get my work completed with time to spare?!
Make the work I want to make, rather than the work i think people are expecting me to make. If i can get this drummed into me then perhaps i can find a direction that i want to take my work into and stick to it.
Be influenced by artists i envy and admire, without feeling guilty or that I'm stealing their ideas. I need to realise that no ones thinks of an original idea or technique anymore.If i can get ideas from a bunch of various artists then hopefully it cold help shape my future output and make me a bit more confident of what I'm creating.
I'll keep up with the blogging. I can't handle anymore all nighters trying to catch up!
Stop being afraid of failing at something and revert to my tried and testing methods at the expense of learning something new or finding a more effective way of working.
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