
Sunday, 15 November 2015

After Effects continued...

I've really enjoyed being introduced to the basics of After effects in Mike's sessions, in fact the prospect of really trying to get to grips with it and all the creative possibilities that come with it has been the only thing I've really been able to get really enthusiastic about on the module at he moment. The illustration side of things is frustrating me to the point where i can't face drawing much at all, so focusing on something new and digital based, where i can incorporate my Photoshop & Illustrator design experience, and make them my work 'come alive' is something that I'm currently far more driven to do. Don't get me wrong, i love writing essays though(!) 

I was finding it a bit hard to concentrate on what Mike was telling us whilst making notes and doing it all on screen at the same time without completely forgetting everything, so I've been speeding some quality alone time with this guy…

(had to whack on the subtitles to find out what his name was)

I've been working my way through the tutorials with him ,t rying to soak up as much as possible, but theres a hell of a lot you can do on After Effects, and I'm getting cranky because i don't have enough  time to master it all! But i keep telling myself i didn't get good at Photoshop overnight, so i'll try and keep these lessons up in my spare time and it'l improve my chances of making a half decent animated sting. If i manage to create any imagery to go into it?!

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