Per chance, prior to my progress tutorial with Ben- myself & Ben had a chat about what i was thinking of doing, and I explained that i'm aiming to base it around Cult Films, namely of the 80's time period, when i was growing up - a subject that he also is pretty nerdy about, which is a rare yet welcoming reaction, considering the age group of my peers, most of them havent even seen Back to the Future! So we sat and compared our lists of top cult/dodgy 80's films, as well as discussing possible directions to take the idea into. Eseentially we had the Progress tutorial there & then, but in my actual tutorial he also suggested looking at the artwork for B-movie posters, also research some Russian & Polish Art - which he said had a tendency to be pretty abstract & striking.Minimal graphic design (past & present) also found its way into there. Also on the research list was 'Fan art', which both we both agreed that i should be wary of, and theres a big difference in fans doing drawings of the films they like and the officially commissioned illustrations.The main difference usually being the the production quality and level of craft. Having looked briefly into Lithoprinting as a process for the final outcome, using restricted colour palettes and a colour pallete relevant to the time period should also be looked into.
Artists featured include: Krzysztof Iwanski, Rosocha Wieslaw, Wasilewski Mieczyslaw & the art of CYRK.
Trawling through Pinterest, Google and the Library i found i load of bold, visually striking poster art from the last century, some very minimal indeed, which i was particularly draw too - it got me thinking about how i could possibly apply some of the 80's film titles i'd grown up watching to these aesthetics and also what sort colour schemes i could play about with. In my mind it's exciting me, but i can't help thinking that i should be making something more adventurous or challenging..?
I'm also thinking that it might just be another one of those ideas that i & i alone would find interesting, and it'l turn into another personal project, with no appeal to anyone else.
i-D mag covers from the 80's
Examples of fan art
Olly Moss rip-off design |
Questionable (imo) Pulp Ficiton poster.
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