
Friday, 31 March 2017

OrnitholoSEE - the shortest book in the world.

Someone needs to save me from myself, now!

I've put the question out to anyone i've come in contact with tutors/students/family/friends alike, and i'm still no nearer making peace with myself and what style i should be making this bird book; 

1. Minimal Paper cut style 
2. Slick vector shapes with texture style
3. The IanF ,super-chunky vector & halftone signature style.

There are pros and cons and reasons why i like all three variations and the same goes with the people i've asked about it. They like the way version 3 has my trademark style to it, but when i show them version 2 they have all replied "ooooh, i like that one". Largely because it has a bit if texture to it and comes across as a bit more hand made, even though it just as digital as the chunky black line style ive become know for...!? So i'm torn between the two. Both styles do a job and wold appeal to a certain market - all depends on what i want them to do, and for who?

Theres' a large part of me that really doesn't want to do deal with this anymore. It's gone from a subject and an idea i was looking forward to tackling, from a personal and professional point of view, to something i'v become totally disenchanted with and wish i could come up with something else. Trouble is, i'd only have the same conundrum with what style to use for it anyways. This is my nightmare with OUIL505 (Applied illustration) all over again.

There's no escape.

Matt had some great motivational words for me, which massively helped to nudge me in the way of a solid decision;

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