
Wednesday, 10 May 2017

FMP - OrnitholoSEE - wrapping it up...

As far as submitting in time for the end of the module, its' time to wrap things up with the bird book. What with having to spend the best part of a week solidly making issuu presentation boards and doing all the 'admin' for OUIL603, any production of new birds for the book came to a halt, leaving me with final, cut-price tally of 14, fully-fledged bird images with accompanying writing. a books' worth, sure,but it doesn't feel enough - however here it be, in all it's a virtual book glory.

A lifetime away from the original 40 that i proposed - although i think we've all established that that was 'pie in the sky' thinking. With 6 more already in production the full 20 birds will be ready to go into the physical book come the end of the degree show, which will give me a bit more time to iron out any possible issues with content or layout. Even though i know it wasn't essential to make the physical specimen for submission, i do feel like I've come up a bit short, and if i hadn't been struggling so hard to make a simple design decision on the early stages i would've given myself enough time to get this printed for real.

Here's the book all ready to go on my Blurb dashboard.

Still, it'll give me something to work towards in the degree show - otherwise i'm sure i would've let the wheels fall off in the huge void that will be left in my life my having no more uni work to do.

In between all the constant blog posting, i did find a bit of time make some fun little extra bells and whistles for the book and it's spin-off printed products. 



All part of the proposal process. I also made a couple of test print of page sizes, so i could see how the text sizes were working out and also so i could make a decision on the book size. It was a toss up between 18x18 ( which suited the 'squarer' compositions, or standard portrait 20x25 - which i think is the winner. Most of the images I've done are geared to be a3/ a4/ 80x10, or any portrait ratio, plus i don't want to have to shrink the pictures down too much. Big and bold!

Belly band for the a5 print bundle with i.d card,
 if you can't imagine how that might work in real-life?

Branded belly band colour test prints.

Matching dust jacket design for the book

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