After getting to grips with the article subject matter and producing a number of roughs i received feedback, criticism & general pointers from three lovely gentlemen on what i should develop for my final 3 editorial images. Hearing the views of other students is always interesting & useful as my idea of a good working concept isn't always the view of others, as was the case here, partly.
Main article highlights:
• Facial recognition a bit wonky
• …its own disturbing results
• skin flaps, giant evil-clown nose
• Golf clubs for eyes
• Creating a freak show version of yourself
• Giant bubbles, swallow up pollution
• Wearable technology that automatically adjusts to home temperature
• Hair helmets
• Robot servants
Below are a selection of the more successful ideas to come out of the evaluation session. Recently I've been so caught up in only being able to work in black and white that it totally slipped my mind that the roughs could be in colour swell as the final piece, so i rendered a few afterwards in orange to get a visual connection to the phone company who has created this Future Self app.
After the first week on this brief i'd say the only real problem I've had with it is the fact I'm not making my 'roughs' rough enough,which in turn limited the amount of possible design ideas i managed to present. I guess i like to give a client a reasonably clear idea of what I'm planning for the final piece, rather handing them a scribble that could change dramatically & look totally different in the by the end? The article was a bit tricky to turn into visuals to start with but after a few reads through, and the more sketches i did the more the ideas appeared.
I wouldn't say I'm enjoying having to draw the same object over and over again yet, but I'm getting my head around the fact that roughs, indeed, only have to be rough, and not something that needs a lot of time & effort put into. IT'S ALL ABOUT THE IDEAS!!
Working within the dimensions isn't something I've had any problems with so far, i tend to start with a rough box when i start my roughs anyway, and always have the final composition in my mind from the 'off'.
After my group feedback session, i half agreed with them about what the final concepts should be - but may need to overrule them on some of it, otherwise these will be the images i will be working on in the 2nd week.
200X 200 FINAL
(What my peer group thought, but may replace it with idea below)