Illustration Friday:
After a just a few weeks of IF submissions, it's painfully clear that to gain any sort of 'recognition' for your work on this site you have to submit the cutest, softest bags of cute, soft crap imaginable and I'm not quite ready to jump on that particular bandwagon, just yet…
With motivation for completing these weekly friday deadline (thursday afternoon more like) tasks running a bit low and with more more pressing work matters to deal with, i didn't feel enthused to make any new imagery.I was able to re-work a relevant image that i had used for my visual communication module last year. The image was of a vulture and was all to do with current, and how the turkey vulture (and others) use hot warm air currents/ thermals to soar for aggggges without having to flap their wings. It originally had colour and media limitations, no digital allowed so thought i could re-work it to how i would've done it given a free reign on media.
Again, wasn't going to spend a huge amount of time on this one, but managed to give the piece a whole different mood with the addition of textures/distress brushes but mainly just by changing the colour pallete, and eliminating virtually all of the white.
Original, handmade fineliner & card cut-out piece
Final submitted version- 'Red Scent', with factoid added to break up all the red,a bit.
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