
Tuesday, 1 December 2015


A wonderful, but very brief thing happened to me today. 
My phone/wifi has been playing up so haven't been able to depress myself by having Instagram trawls to see what my artist heroes are up to. Instead i sat down and for once just knocked out work without giving a single shit how it compared to anyone else's work or even if it was eve going to be seen or used for anything. It felt good. I was enjoying 'making' (albeit on a Mac) for the first time in a long while.

I celebrated, by going home and sharing my joy on Instagram. There's no saving me.

New design direction w.i.p

Previous hand drawn development phase

It has however taken my author print designs in a different direction, appearance-wise. 
With the screen printing process and animation in mind I was wanting to simply the elements of my compositions, to make them a bit less, fussy i guess. Also, the way i'd been putting together my drawings to make one big composition was taking way too much time. This new approach, although obviously slicker and digitally generated, i feel will speed up my output, give me more flexibility with my composition changes & improve the quality of my end results across both printed and animated formats. Ill still be pushing the 2-colour rule as much as possible by including well considered areas of halftone, so ill be testing myself to make my digital creations with analogue methods. Something which i'm sure I've told myself i shouldn't try to do so much anymore!

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