Existing example of award badges on the mock-up site.
Page space where the intended icons will live.
They had a pretty solid idea of what they were after, so the brief was already pretty focused - they just needed me to take the ideas they had in their minds and make them into on-screen visuals.
Included in the brief was a description of what some of the award badges were to depict :
Pro Store Seller - (This means they are big daddies basically and it's what all the other cats aspire to so needs to look buff. Could be a held up fist like the Gonzo fist albeit without 2 thumbs)
Peoples Champion - (Means you have a very high customer rating. Perhaps a group of figures cheering?)
Level 1 Warrior - (Will denote what level the account has achieved. Imagine it like on the old drum and bass arena forum where you had a different level depending on how many posts you had made. not sure what to suggest image wise for these)
Level 2 Hero -
Level 3 Renegade -
Level 4 Gangster -
Subscribe & Buy button design also required.
Luminari Presentation boards
Even though this project wasn't massively creative, or illustrative, it get me into the practice of producing lots of roughs before attempting any final artwork. In the not-so distant past, as they're quite simple looking icons, i would've gone straight into Illustrator and made them from scratch in there - but i found making lots of scamps beforehand actually saved me time. I was able to refine the icon character shapes over & over on paper, using 20 second sketches - then i could see which ones were working or not. Doing it this way meant that when i came to scanning them in and making vectors out of them, there was minimal tinkering and re-tinkering with them in Illustrator, which is usually where most of my time is drained away.
It went smoothly from start to finish, and not a whole lot of revisions were needed. Even though i finished this brief way back in December, the site has only just recently launched -but to my disappointment they seemed to have had a rethink on the design of the site, and omitted all icons or graphics that were originally proposed. It's all just text and tables now, very minimal and streamlined. The icons would look look a bit 'cartooony' and out of place if they were to be used with the current layout admittedly, but they all got the green light at the time. Always annoying when the work you produce doesn't actually end up getting used for what you were expecting - but hell,i got paid, i didn't lose too much sleep or energy whilst doing it, we move on.
Screenshot of 'streamlined' site.Yawwn.
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