
Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Influx of live Mural briefs...

I've noticed there has been a good handful of mural design callouts that i've been seeing in my inbox recently from the uni - and normally i'd be jumping at some of them, but i'm wondering where exactly i'm i supposed to fit the time to make a decent effort of them? I'd love to just dump my FMP and participate, but for the good of my degree i've got to stick to my guns and see my bird book out. 

Another factor thats puts me off is that more often that not the companies commissioning the work arent giving us specific guidines as far as concpet goes - it's just a case of; do what ever you want to fill the space, and we'll pick whatever one looks nicest. Which is fine, but it just feels like i'd be spending my time on a total stab the dark - great if you end up winning, but not a whole to show for your efforts if you're not selected.

That said -the latest one for the hoardings at the new LCA building my inbox has got my attention;

Again, we've not been restricted by a specific concept or any limitations, as long as it can replicated using vinyl- but i kind of wish we had been restricted, as the design could pretty much be anything. the nature of vinyl would suit simple shapes, which is right down my street - but whether i can take the time to come up with some designs before the deadline without totally neglecting my FMP is another matter.

But i would like to have a go at leaving my mark on the uni (literally) for the people of leeds to behold long after i am gone, or for 12 months anyway.

I will have to assess the situation (quickly).

This didn't happen. Bit annoyed at myself, but FMP comes first.

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