
Sunday, 16 November 2014

END OF MODULE - Self Evaluation

Which practical skills and methodologies have you developed within this module and how effectively do you think you are employing them within your own practice?

Having worked predominantly digitally for 'x' amount of years, i have taken a step back to try and 'under-develop' my sketches & roughs so not not to be so polished. I've been experimenting (slowly) with other media such as inks and acrylics, also craft based techniques involving cards and papers.I have been trying to find a happy place where digital and analogue methods can live together in harmony in my general working style.I think i'm still playing it a bit safe with my final submissions always in mind - as i feel its good to try new things, but not if its going to compromise a project deadline.

Which principles/theories of image making have you found the most valuable during this module and how effectively do you think you are employing these within your own practice?

Learning to make numerous 'rubbish' sketches to convey my ideas has been an early hurdle to get over for me, but I've found the more roughs i create the more concepts i have to develop for a final piece of work. Rather than limiting my ideas with a small number of 'good-looking' roughs, which may not have much room for development. I still need to practice this more & fill out more of my sketchbooks/ exhaust my ideas as much as possible, even it  initially feels forced and unnatural.

What strengths can you identify within your submission and how have you capitalised on these?

My strength is in that i won't submit any work that i feel is substandard (by my own levels) even if my concept skills need a fair bit of improving, which they do, my level of execution will always be to the best of my ability and to a high standard, due to my own, sometimes unrealistic, levels of perfectionism.In no way am i saying my work is perfect though! Having past experience making flyers and posters means I'm pretty comfortable working within given  dimensions and I'm aware of how much space i've got to work with and know not to try and cram too much in.My composition and decision-making in regards to my compositions are something i want to work on however.

What areas for further development can you identify within your submission and how will you address these in the future?

i should & will try out more unfamiliar materials to work with, even if it means producing results that I'm not happy with. If it can help to solve a problem in a brief then that's a good thing, but sometimes i feel i'd just be be experimenting for experimenting's sake.Not that i'm against trying new things, but with the restraints of a project deadline  i feel i don't have sufficient time to create a piece of work in oil or gouache, make a horrible mess of it and then to produce an acceptable submission piece in time. I guess I'm saying i want loads and loads ands loads of time to become a master of all techniques,without fear of failure or essays getting on the way.

In what way has this module introduced you to the BA (Hons) Illustration Programme?

It has enlightened me in the way of explaining my working methods and ideas on paper and audible as opposed to them just being in my head.Also posting my work developments & progress via my online blog is something that i was aware of, but never had enough of my own work going on to warrant setting one up.So it's been useful to add regular updates of work and thoughts to that rather than just posting up photos on Instagram or Facebook. The programme has also  re-introduced me to the world of analogue art techniques. Working with inks, paints and things called "paint brushes" for the first time in my adult life has been fun, limited (by myself). I need to be a bit braver perhaps and not so worried about producing such technically perfect looking final results.Also not to be phased about what other people might think of my work if it turns out a bit pear-shaped. Finally, i'm also learning that everything takes longer to do than i think it will. Even this!

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