
Friday, 17 February 2017

Adidas - Womens Mural Brief...

Ever since the summer, when we were asked to create a selection of briefs for ourselves in preparation for the Extended Module i'd had been trying to create some sort of project involving Adidas Originals, possibly with the 'oogah' mask designs I'd been doing around that time. It hadn't really come together as a workable concept and i'd shelved the idea -  but I'm now super hyped to see that have posted up a mural design brief for Adidas. It isn't for the 'Originals' range but for the Adidas Performance line, which is directed at actual sports and fitness 'performance' as opposed the streetwear fashion aspect of the Originals.

Either way, i'm still absolutely going to do this - even though i'd hadn't seen the advert until fairly late in the day, i have 5 days (have to get my Pacific Standard Times worked out) to chop something more than decent out - which, if i can get a concept/composition nailed early doors, should be within my power. But when it comes to doing projects that i'm really want to succeed in i tend to cave to the pressure of producing an absolutely flawless piece of work, and the self-doubt and hesitation creep in.

But i don't have time for any of that this time. Straight off the back of my 2nd mural design success with We are Boutique (and previously PlusNet, which inexplicably never actually happened) this is the one i'd really want to win. The fact that i don't actually have to physically paint this one if its chosen is a relief - and means i can go a bit more to town with the visuals. 

The brief is pretty open, with only a few stipulaitons, i just have to find a way of capturing the empowerment of women through visually connecting SPORT and CREATIVITY.

Although im fully aware that i've yet to sketch up ANYTHING for the CMV 'out of order' exhibition, with the deadline for designs being the 24th Feb - i knew adding another brief amongst all the others that ive planned to do would put the pressure on me as far a time management goes. However, this is a no- to- miss opportunity, doing something that ivd already had some sucess at and i would like to do more in the future, and it would ruin me if i didnt get something submitted for this, so i'll make the time to fit it all in!

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