In the midst of trying to make the SubZero design work i get another 80's flick stuck in my head- again with an out of order theme that could be applied to it. This time it's 'BIG'; in which a boy goes to a funfair, makes a wish to be big and wakes up as Tom Hanks. Who knew?
Now, this most definitely is in fan art territory - my envisioning of Zoltar, the fairground wish machine (seen in the trailer above).
It's quite an iconic image, if you're of that generation and i shouldn't be too surprised that there are a number of existing designs that look similar to what i've sketched out so far. I mean, how many ways can you draw a Arabic dude's upper torso & head in a glass box?
Early compositional sketch-up.
Still, i thought i could bring my own individual touch to the proceedings - I also had the urge to produce something that would be largely hand rendered (with fineliners) and would require minimal digital assistance. I even went to the trouble of colouring in a developed sketch to see how it would look, before i went to any effort to produce the full-size 30cmx30cm inks (progress stages below).
Probably not an ideal time to rediscover my love for using Microns, especially as i had less than a day to sort this out!
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